Utilize your education on the spot during our 5-day course at our Rotterdam Barber Academy. You will not only grow while you are “in class,” your training during our program will turn into a lifelong asset for your career. It’s always cool to capture the moments when the students apply the knowledge they gained during […]
Category Archives: REUZEL
Have you heard about this bird? The Pink Flamingo is back! After the fastest selling limited Mizutani Scissors ever in 2019 they received so many requests by barbers and hairdressers from all over the globe. So they decided to relaunch The Pink Flamingo by The Bloody Butcher once again! And of course with the return […]
Schorem’s All-star, All-rounder week Feel like diving into the world of hair photography and social media as a way to promote your business? This is the course for you! Five days that include various demonstrations by our teachers, multiple classic haircuts on a mannequin such as a Long Trim Pompadour, Vanguard, Executive Contour and a […]
We’ve saved the best for last. A month ago the guys at Schorem organized a kickass party named ScumBash, here’s an awesome after-movie about The Fifth Day of Pure Goddamn Rock’n’Roll! Were you there? Let your friends know what they’ve missed, they got to make sure they’re at the next party we throw!
We begrijpen dat de woorden baardbalsem en baardolie misschien vreemd zijn voor elke man die vol overtuiging gelooft dat het kweken van een baard al genoeg werk is. We begrijpen het, baarden laten groeien kan lastig zijn. En de meeste mannen verwachten vanaf het begin veel van hun baard. Zelfs als ze niets anders doen […]
We understand that the words beard balm and beard oil may be foreign to any man who believes wholeheartedly that growing a beard was enough work. We get it. Beards are tricky creatures, and most men expect great things from their beards right from the start. Even when they’re doing nothing other than rinsing with […]
Jullie weten allemaal dat we je bij The Old School in Rotterdam graag alles leren over het barbiers vak, daar zijn we voor! We trappen dit jaar af met een aantal nieuwe, frisse cursussen voor beginnende en gevorderde kappers, -stylisten en barbiers. We leren je hoe je die bekende “Schorem Way” kunt knippen en laten […]
You all know we love to teach you everything there is to know about barbering at The Old School in Rotterdam, that’s what we’re here for! We wanted to kick off this year with some new, fresh courses for beginners and advanced hairdressers, -stylists and barbers. We will learn you how to cut that well […]
Tough, tougher, toughest: met de toevoeging van de laatste zeven explosieve acts is de 5e editie van het Rotterdamse festival ScumBash compleet. Ook Peter Pan Speedrock (NL), Born From Pain (NL), Discipline (NL), Cenobites (Rotterdam), Mindwar (BE), Skroetbalg (NL) en The Shivvies (Rotterdam) komen op zaterdag 4 februari 2023 de boel op stelten zetten in […]
Tough, tougher, toughest: with the addition of the last seven explosive acts, the 5th edition of the Rotterdam festival ScumBash is complete. Also, Peter Pan Speedrock (NL), Born From Pain (NL), Discipline (NL), Cenobites (Rotterdam), Mindwar (BE), Skroetbalg (NL) and The Shivvies (Rotterdam) will come to shake things up in the awesome RDM Onderzeeboodloods on […]